
Friday, April 26, 2013

What is Magnetic Flux Control?

Magnetic Flux Control Explained

For the purposes of Induction Heating, we can define Magnetic Flux Control as a generic term for the modification of an induction coil's magnetic flux by installing magnetic templates (magnetic flux controllers). Magnetic flux control using the application of non-magnetic entities, such as Faraday rings or flux robbers, are not considered when speaking about induction.

Magnetic Flux Controllers can change magnetic pattern and coil parameters significantly, and when using a controller, their application should be incorporated into the whole induction system design.

Depending on the application, controllers are called a few different names such as:

  • Concentrators
  • Cores
  • Shields
They are given different names because a controller can play different roles such as magnetic flux concentration, shielding, and distribution.

magnetic flux controller

For more information on Induction Heating, visit the Center for Induction Technology at

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